Results for 'Natassia D’Agostin Alano'

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  1.  15
    A relação entre arte e vida no longa-metragem Gabbeh, de Mohsen Makhmalbaf: a perspectiva bakhtiniana em cena.Natassia D’Agostin Alano - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (3):154-180.
    RESUMO Este artigo tem como objetivo realizar um ensaio-análise do longa-metragem Gabbeh, do diretor iraniano Mohsen Makhmalbaf, promovendo reflexões que possam, em alguma medida, contribuir para o aprofundamento de questões que envolvem o campo da arte e da vida. As bases teórico-epistemológicas que sustentam esta análise são os estudos bakhtinianos em diálogo com a perspectiva vigotskiana. A análise parte de algumas cenas do filme e busca estabelecer uma relação entre alguns conceitos bakhtinianos - como dialogismo, cronotopo, polifonia, exotopia - e (...)
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    Sensory Experiences and Children With Severe Disabilities: Impacts on Learning.Susan Agostine, Karen Erickson & Charna D’Ardenne - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The human sensory system is continuously engaged in experiencing and interpreting every interaction with other living beings, objects, and the environment. The purpose of this article is to describe the impact limited opportunities for rich sensory experiences have on students with severe disabilities in two middle school classrooms situated in a public separate school in the southeastern USA. The study employed a postcritical ethnographic approach and grounded theory thematic analysis of fieldnotes gathered over a two-year period. Three major themes supported (...)
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    On State Spaces and Property Lattices.D. J. Moore - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 30 (1):61-83.
    I present an annotated development of the basic ideas of the Geneva School approach to the foundations of physics and the structures which emerge as mathematical representations of the physically dual notions of state and property.
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  4. Avicenna's theory of primary mixture: Abraham D. stone.Abraham D. Stone - 2008 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 18 (1):99-119.
    Ancient Peripatetics and Neoplatonists had great difficulty coming up with a consistent, interpretatively reasonable, and empirically adequate Aristotelian theory of complete mixture or complexion. I explain some of the main problems, with special attention to authors with whom Avicenna was familiar. I then show how Avicenna used a new doctrine of the occultness of substantial form to address these problems. The result was in some respects an improvement, but it also gave rise to a new set of problems, which were (...)
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    Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Giuseppina D'Oro explores Collingwood's work in epistemology and metaphysics, uncovering his importance beyond his better known work in philosophy of history and aesthetics. This major contribution to our understanding of one of the most important figures in history of philosophy will be essential reading for scholars of Collingwood and all students of metaphysics and the history of philosophy.
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    Human acts.Eric D'Arcy - 1963 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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  7. Intention and belief.D. F. Pears - 1985 - In Bruce Vermazen & Merrill B. Hintikka (eds.), Essays on Davidson: actions and events. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Trust in a specific technology: An investigation of its components and measures.D. H. McKnight, M. Carter, J. B. Thatcher & P. F. Clay - 2011 - ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 2.
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  9. Can mental images be ambiguous?D. Chambers & Daniel Reisberg - 1985 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 11:317-28.
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    Der Ausdruck der Freiheit und die Genese des ‚Ist-Sagens‘.Matteo Vincenzo D’Alfonso - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:382-397.
    Fichte’s Doctrine of Science of 1811 offers a sound model for explaining the conditions of semantics in its connection with the idea of freedom. Following Wolfram Hogrebe’s suggestion that the principle of contradiction works as an archaeological semantic postulate, i.e., is the implicit condition for any sentence to be meaningful, we argue that in Fichte’s definition of the phenomenon we find such a semantic postulate at a higher genetic level than the principle of contradiction indicated by Hogrebe. Moreover, the Doctrine (...)
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    Le περη φιλοσοφίας d'Aristote et la théorie platonicienne des idées nombres: Deuxième édition revue et accompagnée du compte-rendu critique par Harold Cherniss.H. D. Saffrey - 1955 - BRILL.
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    The illegitimacy of Gettier examples.D. S. G. Schreiber - 1987 - Metaphilosophy 18 (1):49–54.
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    Goldfish avoidance acquisition: Is the process classical, instrumental, or a phototaxis?D. J. Zerbolio & L. L. Wickstra - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (5):321-323.
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    Facial affect recognition in criminal psychopaths.D. Kosson, Y. Suchy, A. Mayer & J. Libby - 2002 - Emotion 2:398–411.
    Prior studies provide consistent evidence of deficits for psychopaths in processing verbal emotional material but are inconsistent regarding nonverbal emotional material. To examine whether psychopaths exhibit general versus specific deficits in nonverbal emotional processing, 34 psychopaths and 33 nonpsychopaths identified with Hare's (R. D. Hare, 1991) Psychopathy Checklist-Revised were asked to complete a facial affect recognition test. Slides of prototypic facial expressions were presented. Three hypotheses regarding hemispheric lateralization anomalies in psychopaths were also tested (right-hemisphere dysfunction, reduced lateralization, and reversed (...)
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    Organicity of the phenomenon of culture as an explication of vitality.D. B. Svyrydenko, O. D. Yatsenko & O. V. Prudnikova - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:7-23.
    Purpose. The aim of the article is to clarify the content of the concept of culture as an explication of vitality within the philosophy of life and its further modifications in current problems of contemporary. The analysis performed standing from the point, that contrasting of nature and culture is irrelevant, since culture does not contradict natural determinants and patterns, but rather qualitatively alters them. So, are justified the idea of culture as a phenomenon that exist accordingly and in proportion to (...)
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  16. Conservative translations.Iml D’Ottaviano & H. A. Feitosa - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108:205-227.
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    I.—What is a Metaphysical Statement?D. M. Mackinnon - 1941 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 41 (1):1-26.
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    Spatially located visual CS effects in conditioned shuttlebox avoidance in goldfish: A phototactic explanation.D. J. Zerbolio - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (5):359-361.
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    Organ donation after circulatory death – legal in South Africa and in alignment with Chapter 8 of the National Health Act and Regulations relating to organ and tissue donation.D. Thomson & M. Labuschaigne - forthcoming - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:e1561.
    Organ donation after a circulatory determination of death is possible in selected patients where consent is given to support donation and the patient has been legally declared dead by two doctors. The National Health Act (61 of 2003) and regulations provide strict controls for the certification of death and the donation of organs and tissues after death. Although the National Health Act expressly recognises that brain death is death, it does not prescribe the medical standards of testing for the determination (...)
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  20. From Biology to Social Experience to Morality: Reflections on the Naturalization of Morality.D. M. Yeager - 2003 - Tradition and Discovery 30 (3):31-39.
    Placing Goodenough and Deacon’s “From Biology to Consciousness to Morality” against the background of the ethical naturalism of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century British moral theory, Yeager highlights the contribution the authors make to the moral sense tradition as well as indicating the limitations of such accounts of moral agency, judgment, and conduct. Yeager also identifies two strands of the essay that seem to open toward a more comprehensive account than the authors actually give. The first concerns the “interplay between self-interest and (...)
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  21. A tribute to David Armstrong.D. C. Stove - 2014 - Quadrant 58 (3):42-43.
    A tribute, originally given at David Armstrong's retirement in 1991 as Challis Professor of Philosophy at Sydney University. Stove recalls Armstrong's role in the "Sydney disturbances" of the 1970s when under attack from Marxists.
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  22. On castigating constructivists.D. C. Phillips - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    Ants and Women, or Philosophy without Borders.Michèle Le Dœuff - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 21:41-54.
    Some months ago, when giving a paper about Sir Francis Bacon's philosophy, I mentioned that, according to him, Nature was a woman; true knowledge treats her like his legitimate wife, while false knowledge deals with her as if she were a barren prostitute. In the same paper, I also mentioned that according again to Bacon, there are three kinds of intellectual attitudes, or three kinds of philosophers, namely the pure rationalists, who are like spiders, the empiricists who are like ants, (...)
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    Free Will.D. E. B. Pollard - 1981 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 28:397-399.
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    Ausoniana.D. R. Shackleton Bailey - 1976 - American Journal of Philology 97 (3):248.
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    Dall'atto all'azione: Blondel e Aristotele nel progetto de "L'Action" (1893).Simone D'Agostino - 1999 - Roma: Pontificia università gregoriana.
    Quale rapporto c'è tra una noticina di appena 30 righe e un'opera filosofica di quasi 500 pagine? A questa domanda, appassionante per chi s'interessa alla genesi delle opere del pensiero, Simone D'Agostino risponde esaminando il rapporto tra il capolavoro blondeliano del 1893, L'Action, e quella che si suole chiamare la "Première notule" del 5 novembre 1882. Il presente lavoro non è uno studio genetico del pensiero blondeliano, bensì una sua interpretazione sistematica da due punti focali e rispecchiantisi l'uno nell'altro. Sotto (...)
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  27. Uniform Interpolation, Automata and the Modal mu-Calculus.Giovanna D'Agostino & Marco Hollenberg - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 73-84.
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    Phénoménologie et marxisme: perspectives historiques et legs théoriques.Matteo D'Alfonso & Pierre-François Moreau (eds.) - 2021 - Lyon: ENS éditions.
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    A Symptomatology of Civilisation: on Order and Suggestion.Pierluca D'Amato - 2018 - la Deleuziana 7:67-88.
    ‘À quoi sert la littérature?’, Deleuze opens his book on Leopold von Sacher-Masoch with a question that this paper will pose again, trying to propose an answer to it, and to put to test the methodological approach that can be obtained from that answer: what are the uses of literature and, more specifically, how could the philosopher use literature, what could be done with it? To this end, this paper will focus on Deleuze’s symptomatological conception of literature. The second part (...)
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    I debiti di Durkheim verso Rousseau.Gabriella D’Ambrosio - 2017 - Società Degli Individui 58:124-134.
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    NICOLAS DE CUSA: La prioridad del simbolo matematico en la busqueda de la sabiduria.Claudia D' Amico - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (3):657-663.
    Nicolau de Cusa é conhecido por suas teorias a respeito do conhecimento, principalmente por sua obra A douta ignorância. Nela e em outras, sempre dentro de uma visão medieval, vê-se que a.sabedoria cusana é uma tentativa de alcançar incansavelmente o inalcançável. Para tanto são de grande importância os símbolos matemáticos.
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    The Representation of Body Size: Variations With Viewpoint and Sex.Sarah D’Amour & Laurence R. Harris - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Revolución y mística en Gustav Landauer.Valerio D'angelo - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):441-460.
    el presente artículo quiere investigar el papel de la mística en la teoría política de Gustav Landauer. La tesis que se defenderá es que la “conservación revolucionaria” que caracteriza la propuesta política landaueriana tiene que enmarcarse en una concepción mística del tiempo histórico, basada en una recuperación del pasado como instrumento de emancipación política. Para esta finalidad se analizará, en un primer párrafo, el contenido utópico a la vez que restaurador de la noción landauerianana de revolución, y, en un segundo (...)
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    Experiencing Musical Improvisation: The Body, the Mind, and the Senses.Francesco D'Errico - 2018 - World Futures 74 (3):175-186.
    In the following article, I will try to describe and, thus, share with my readers those moments and those segments in my life that have allowed me to be involved in the experience of musical improvisation, which is comprised of the gestures, ideas, and emotions that, together, encompass the musical objects of improvisation, and the desire, the pleasure of sharing these objects in their shaping and creation.
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    Philosophy of the Sublime as Theory and Experience.D. D. Desjardins - 2019 - Philosophy and Literature 43 (1):71-88.
    Writing On the Sublime and Beautiful, Edmund Burke tells us the ideas most capable of making an impression are those related to self-preservation and society. Such ideas are bound to our passions. Passions belonging to self-preservation turn on pain or danger.1 Those belonging to society do as well, although in this work, Burke dwells exclusively on pain. Because he tells us the king of terrors is death, we might infer pain is inferior to danger, the latter more formidable. We experience (...)
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    Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader.Mario O. D'Souza & Jonathan R. Seiling (eds.) - 2014 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The work of the lay Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain continues to provoke and inspire readers to engage in a Thomistic approach to many of the questions facing the world today. Maritain’s wide-ranging thought touched on many fields, including aesthetics, anthropology, educational theory, moral philosophy, and ethics, as well as Thomism and its relationship to other philosophical stances._ In _Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader_, Mario O. D’Souza, C.S.B., has selected seven hundred and fifty of the most salient quotations (...)
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    Calling for a developmental perspective on action-based consciousness.Hana D'Souza & Andrew J. Bremner - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e174.
    Human newborns can resolve some response conflicts in order to adapt their behaviour, suggesting that the newborn has consciousness according to Morsella et al.'s framework. However, we pose a range of developmental questions regarding Morsella et al.'s account, especially concerning the role of consciousness in the development of action.
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    Foundations of Empiricism.D. W. Gotshalk - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (3):450-451.
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    Socially interested, or socially sophisticated? On mutual social influence in autism.Baudouin Forgeot D'Arc & Isabelle Soulières - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    A lower tendency to influence and be influenced by their social environment seems almost self-evident in autism. However, a closer look at differences and similarities between autistic and non-autistic individuals suggests that some basic mechanisms involved in social influence might be intact in autism, whereas atypical responses point to differences in more sophisticated recursive social strategies, such as reputation management.
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  40. Extending the Curry {Howard {Tait interpretation to linear, relevant and other logics.D. M. Gabbay & Rjgb de Queiroz - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56:1129-40.
  41. Śrīgaṇapati-Vākyārtha-Mah-asabhā, Śriṅgerī, śake 1897, Khri. 1975.Vasanta Ananta Gāḍagiḷa (ed.) - 1975 - Puṇyapattanam: Śāradā-Gaurava-Grantha-Mālā.
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  42. The perception of fractal contour.D. Gilden & M. Schmuckler - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):496-496.
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    The Meaning of Medicine: The Human Person.D. Greaves - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):11-11.
    I read this book shortly after rereading Confessions of a Medicine Man by Alfred Tauber. (MIT Press 1999). As both these books are concerned with searching for the meaning of medicine in a world where scientific and technical goals predominate, it was inevitable that I should compare them. What intrigued me was how two books with a similar purpose could be so different. Tauber is an American physician and philosopher whose book is a personal quest to seek out a medical (...)
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  44. Cārvāka: aitihāsika āṇi tāttvika mīmãsā.ḌīVāya Hāḍekara - 2000 - Puṇe: Sugāvā Prakāśana.
    Study on the philosophy of Cārvāka, classical Indian materialist.
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  45. Conditioning and Behaviour,'.D. W. Hamlyn - 1970 - In Robert Borger (ed.), Explanation In The Behavioural Sciences. Cambridge University Press.
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    Viii.—New books.D. W. Hamlyn - 1954 - Mind 63 (252):560-562.
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    X—The Obligation to Keep a Promise.D. W. Hamlyn - 1962 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 62 (1):179-194.
    D. W. Hamlyn; X—The Obligation to Keep a Promise, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 62, Issue 1, 1 June 1962, Pages 179–194,
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  48. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 84: 1993 Lectures and Memoirs.D. W. Harding - 1994
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  49. The Impulse to Dominate.D. W. Harding - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (71):274-276.
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    Basic phononic diagnostic measurements in fluid columns.D. Hazony & Y. Hazony - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (20):2711-2731.
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